Monday, November 5, 2007


Like a king taking over a pawn
My heart has been trampled on
Broken, shattered and ripped to pieces
Tossed, whipped and thrown with no miss
To find the pieces of my heart
Where to begin, where to start?
Before me I see a field of green
Filled with a mirror of reflections the eye has not seen
With each little step that I so gently take
I keep in mind the mended heart that I must make
To gather the pieces that I once knew
I keep in mind the love that I have for you
Hidden and tucked away
Yet surface again, it will do one day
So with each new step I take a chance
I creep up closer to get a better glance
And as the shattered pieces float my way
I have hope that things will be better with each new day
While tiptoeing by as to not cause new damage
I feel it tearing down, this wall that was built as a collage
This heart that was shattered, I know I can salvage
So I sift through the blades of grass as if I were a savage
Yet like a move in a game
Each blade is different and not the same
And like this mirror filled field
My heart has caution and struggles to yield
My life is a pawn, each move is strategic
I know our love, to some, may seem pathetic
Yet I am not ready to store it in the attic
So as my search for these pieces goes on
Of what I need
I know is not greed
For I know our love is still there, and not gone
So with each new step, I’ll search more and more
For my heart that was ripped to pieces
My heart that was tore
In my heart I truly believe this
That one day, in the grass, I will see those reflections no more
My heart no longer will be sore
One day, in my hand, I’ll hold the pieces of my heart
One day it will truly be our new start.

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