Tuesday, November 13, 2007



How do I describe the most joyous days of my life?

The days when each of you came into me life

First, I start with you, my oldest daughter

Who brings light to the room with your most simple laughter

Who reaches out to help those in need

No second thoughts, and without greed

And next I come to you

The one I received in oh thousand on two

With your daring nature

Willing to take on all presented to you

A born leader and not a follower

One of whom to God many will follow her

And next my son

Who was guided to me through the rays of the sun

With the calming voice

That will lead many to the right choice

Who praises God with his hands in the air

In thanks of what God has given him here

And last bus not least, my youngest baby

Who over came all that was placed in front of you and me

Whose destination was planned through the kindest of grace

With the strong personality that will overcome each and every race

Who brings joy to all who look upon her face

All of you are miracles to me

Came into the world for all to see

All with a specific purpose

Designed by God with no mistake

To make a difference

In this world that He did make

My loves, my life

My children, full of life

I am blessed to have each and every one of you

In my life that God placed, so perfect only he knew.

I love you all with all my heart

And through time I will always be there to the end as from the start.

By: Jana Adams…July, 2007

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